Kamis, 18 September 2014

[Idaman_Group] Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon, Thursday, 18 September 2014


"Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon" reminder
Thursday, 18 September 2014
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
Message-ID: <647527492.15.1391396020950.JavaMail.zimbra@store186.c109.cal.gq1.yahoo.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----=_Part_14_149022042.1391396020950" ------=_Part_14_149022042.1391396020950 Content-Type: message/rfc822 invId: 300 Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 18:53:40 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <1527717916.13.1391396020915.JavaMail.zimbra@store186.c109.cal.gq1.yahoo.com> Subject: Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_12_562165067.1391396020912" ------=_Part_12_562165067.1391396020912 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon Now we are ready to EARN FREE MONEY from: PI - PA - PP = IF YOU KNOW HOW =>NEW INTERNET GIANT: A Revolutionary System WILL Change The Way YOU earn Money! Yes, #PerfectInternet (PI = PA) is moving into a very special year of 2014, the year of PI's IPO (Initial Public Offer) that will make head waves all over the Internet detil => http://bit.ly/PerfectInterneT JOIN NOW FOR FREE => www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f53 =>very legit or see video first=> www.video1.perfectinter.net/pitv/geeontv/PACommercial.mp4 HOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECTAPP - NEW THE GIANT?: l. After REGISTER FREE -> LOGIN ->Go to www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net 2. FREE DOWNLOAD APP www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/downloadcenter.php One hour online = one CASHFCTOR = 0.10 Cashpoint you will earn the same from your Downlines until 5 genertion deep - with level 1 to 5 is unlimited - WOW Cashpoint of you will be frozen om 1 April 2014 and will be opened a new PROGRAM for mobile phones and your cashpoint in April will be paid in May 2014. Yes probably will be start with $ 0.05 per cashpoint but with increasing corporate profits - could we earn $ 7.00 - $ 70.00 per cashpoint in 2014. will be paid forever Remember, according to the plan, PI = PA will GO Publick in Wall Street New York 1 April 2014 - It means PI profits will go up - and we certainly our earning will go up. PI is the reval of Amazon+FB+YAHOO+GOOGLE in April 20l4 PA for computer will be end your Cashpoint will be paid forever - as long as PA is there in the beginning maybe will be $0.05 per CASHPOINT but if the profit of PA increase it will be increased Auttomticlly too will be open for mobil devices internet 3. in April 20l4 the PA will be close and will be open for mobil devices internet: 0n April PA will be sent to all mobil devices include: Smartwhacthes Smartphone Laptop PC Desktop Notebook Tablet SmartTV CAR / Cars, ETC. even to Microwave who can access the internet/ 4. click icon PP - at the right corner above or FREE Register => 4 More Benefits! http://perfectpages.biz/?refid=97f53 see video here => www.tv.perfectinter.net/winwinwin/ click RECOMEND a business -> enter a name and address of hotel or restaorant at you local city or other services/products such as: taxi, gaz station, etc. ->you will reward free dollar -> it is easy 5. Open PA -> click logo (icon) => HOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECT APP? 6. click icon PI - at the left corner above ->explore = learn it to make money 7. To explore PI Galaxy (all sites) you just need one account (email address + password) PI Galaxy such as: => all is free = because PI earn Money From Ad promote them to earn free money #PerfectInternet => http://www.myperfectinternet.com/?refid=97f53 #PerfectApp = Earn Free $$ just to use this app http://perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f53 #idealsmarter- auction price cut off until 99% => http://www.idealsmarter.com/?refid=97f53 #shobbit - price cut off until 99% => http://www.shobbit.com/?refid=97f53 #eeboox.com free useful ebook => http://www.eeboox.com/?refid=97f53 #prizemania => http://www.prizemania.net/?refid=97f53 #wazzub - Social media, blog, club (group), forum = www.wazzub.com/?refid=97f53 #mailaxy - free email service = www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53 #digi4less - tablet etc - price cut off until 99% www.digi4less.com/?refid=97f53 =>because PI earn Money From Ad #PerfectInternet => http://www.weplayyouwin.com/?refid=97f53 #PerfectInternet => http://www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53 #PerfectInternet http://www.megadealsweekend.com/?refid=97f53 #lottomadness http://www.lottomadness.net/?refid=97f53 #cheap products http://www.cheeaap.com/?refid=97f53 #want to be famous? http://www.wannabefamo.us/?refid=97f53 #free useful ebook http://eeboox.perfectinter.net/deals/?refid=97f53 replace my username->97f53->with your username -> will be given by PI Shalam God bless you with Success Simon Mangande www.perfectpages-7777.blogspot.com/ http://bit.ly/PerfectInterneT ------=_Part_12_562165067.1391396020912 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <html><body> <pre style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 14px"> Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon Now we are ready to EARN FREE MONEY from: PI - PA - PP = IF YOU KNOW HOW =>NEW INTERNET GIANT: A Revolutionary System WILL Change The Way YOU earn Money! Yes, #PerfectInternet (PI = PA) is moving into a very special year of 2014, the year of PI's IPO (Initial Public Offer) that will make head waves all over the Internet detil => http://bit.ly/PerfectInterneT JOIN NOW FOR FREE => www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f53 =>very legit or see video first=> www.video1.perfectinter.net/pitv/geeontv/PACommercial.mp4 HOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECTAPP - NEW THE GIANT?: l. After REGISTER FREE -> LOGIN ->Go to www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net 2. FREE DOWNLOAD APP www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/downloadcenter.php One hour online = one CASHFCTOR = 0.10 Cashpoint & you will earn the same from your Downlines until 5 genertion deep - with level 1 to 5 is unlimited - WOW Cashpoint of you will be frozen om 1 April 2014 and will be opened a new PROGRAM for mobile phones and your cashpoint in April will be paid in May 2014. Yes probably will be start with $ 0.05 per cashpoint but with increasing corporate profits - could we earn $ 7.00 - $ 70.00 per cashpoint in 2014.& will be paid forever Remember, according to the plan, PI = PA will GO Publick in Wall Street New York 1 April 2014 - It means PI profits will go up - and we certainly our earning will go up. PI is the reval of Amazon+FB+YAHOO+GOOGLE in April 20l4 PA for computer will be end & your Cashpoint will be paid forever - as long as PA is there in the beginning maybe will be $0.05 per CASHPOINT but if the profit of PA increase it will be increased Auttomticlly too & will be open for mobil devices internet 3. in April 20l4 the PA will be close and will be open for mobil devices internet: 0n April PA will be sent to all mobil devices include: Smartwhacthes Smartphone Laptop PC Desktop Notebook Tablet SmartTV CAR / Cars, ETC. even to Microwave who can access the internet/ 4. click icon PP - at the right corner above or FREE Register => 4 More Benefits! http://perfectpages.biz/?refid=97f53 see video here => www.tv.perfectinter.net/winwinwin/ click RECOMEND a business -> enter a name and address of hotel or restaorant at you local city or other services/products such as: taxi, gaz station, etc. ->you will reward free dollar -> it is easy 5. Open PA -> click logo (icon) => HOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECT APP? 6. click icon PI - at the left corner above ->explore = learn it to make money 7. To explore PI Galaxy (all sites) you just need one account (email address + password) PI Galaxy such as: => all is free = because PI earn Money From Ad & promote them to earn free money #PerfectInternet => http://www.myperfectinternet.com/?refid=97f53 #PerfectApp = Earn Free $$ just to use this app http://perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f53 #idealsmarter- auction price cut off until 99% => http://www.idealsmarter.com/?refid=97f53 #shobbit - price cut off until 99% => http://www.shobbit.com/?refid=97f53 #eeboox.com free useful ebook => http://www.eeboox.com/?refid=97f53 #prizemania => http://www.prizemania.net/?refid=97f53 #wazzub - Social media, blog, club (group), forum = www.wazzub.com/?refid=97f53 #mailaxy - free email service = www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53 #digi4less - tablet etc - price cut off until 99% www.digi4less.com/?refid=97f53 =>because PI earn Money From Ad #PerfectInternet => http://www.weplayyouwin.com/?refid=97f53 #PerfectInternet => http://www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53 #PerfectInternet http://www.megadealsweekend.com/?refid=97f53 #lottomadness http://www.lottomadness.net/?refid=97f53 #cheap products http://www.cheeaap.com/?refid=97f53 #want to be famous? http://www.wannabefamo.us/?refid=97f53 #free useful ebook http://eeboox.perfectinter.net/deals/?refid=97f53 replace my username->97f53->with your username -> will be given by PI Shalam God bless you with Success Simon Mangande www.perfectpages-7777.blogspot.com/ http://bit.ly/PerfectInterneT</pre> </body></html> ------=_Part_12_562165067.1391396020912 Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8; method=PUBLISH; name=meeting.ics Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:Zimbra-Calendar-Provider VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Etc/GMT BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:19710101T000000 TZOFFSETTO:-0000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0000 TZNAME:GMT END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:495a4292-62c7-4cca-9b35-6e94cc4e35a9 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1 SUMMARY:Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Googl e+YouTube+Amazon DESCRIPTION:Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+G oogle+YouTube+Amazon\n\nNow we are ready to EARN FREE MONEY from: PI - PA - PP = IF YOU KNOW HOW =>NEW INTERNET GIANT: A Revolutionary System WILL Chang e The Way YOU earn Money!\n\nYes\, #PerfectInternet (PI = PA) is moving into a very special year of 2014\, the year of PI's IPO (Initial Public Offer) t hat will make head waves all over the Internet\n\ndetil => http://bit.ly/Per fectInterneT\n\n\nJOIN NOW FOR FREE => www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refi d=97f53 =>very legit\nor see video first=> www.video1.perfectinter.net/pit v/geeontv/PACommercial.mp4\n\n\nHOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECTAPP - NEW THE GIANT?: \n\nl. After REGISTER FREE -> LOGIN ->Go to www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net\ n\n2. FREE DOWNLOAD APP www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/downloadcenter.php\n One hour online = one CASHFCTOR = 0.10 Cashpoint\n you will earn the same from your Downlines until 5 genertion deep - with level 1 to 5 is unlim ited - WOW\n\n Cashpoint of you will be frozen om 1 April 2014 and will be opened a new PROGRAM for mobile phones and your cashpoint in April will be paid in May 2014. \n\n Yes probably will be start with $ 0.05 per cashpoin t but with increasing corporate profits - could we earn $ 7.00 - $ 70.00 per cashpoint in 2014. will be paid forever\n\n Remember\, according to the plan\, PI = PA will GO Publick in Wall Street New York 1 April 2014 - It mea ns PI profits will go up - and we certainly our earning will go up. PI is th e reval of Amazon+FB+YAHOO+GOOGLE\n\n in April 20l4 PA for computer will b e end your Cashpoint will be paid forever - as long as PA is there\n in the beginning maybe will be $0.05 per CASHPOINT but if the profit of PA incr ease it will be increased Auttomticlly too\n\n will be open for mobil de vices internet\n\n3. in April 20l4 the PA will be close \n and will be ope n for mobil devices internet:\n0n April PA will be sent to all mobil devices include:\nSmartwhacthes\nSmartphone\nLaptop\nPC\nDesktop\nNotebook\nTablet\ nSmartTV\nCAR / \nCars\, ETC.\neven to Microwave who can access the internet /\n\n4. click icon PP - at the right corner above or FREE Register => 4 Mor e Benefits! http://perfectpages.biz/?refid=97f53\n\n see video here => www .tv.perfectinter.net/winwinwin/\n\n click RECOMEND a business\n -> enter a name and address of hotel or restaorant at you local city\n\n or other s ervices/products such as: taxi\, gaz station\, etc.\n ->you will reward fre e dollar -> it is easy\n\n5. Open PA -> click logo (icon) => HOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECT APP?\n\n6. click icon PI - at the left corner above ->explore = lea rn it to make money\n\n7. To explore PI Galaxy (all sites) you just need one account (email address + password)\n\n PI Galaxy such as: => all is free = because PI earn Money From Ad promote them to earn free money\n\n#PerfectI nternet => http://www.myperfectinternet.com/?refid=97f53\n#PerfectApp = Earn Free $$ just to use this app http://perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f5 3\n \n#idealsmarter- auction price cut off until 99% => http://www.idealsm arter.com/?refid=97f53 \n#shobbit - price cut off until 99% => http://www.s hobbit.com/?refid=97f53\n\n#eeboox.com free useful ebook => http://www.eebo ox.com/?refid=97f53 \n#prizemania => http://www.prizemania.net/?refid=97f53\ n\n#wazzub - Social media\, blog\, club (group)\, forum = www.wazzub.com/?re fid=97f53\n\n#mailaxy - free email service = www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53\n# digi4less - tablet etc - price cut off until 99% www.digi4less.com/?refid=97 f53 =>because PI earn Money From Ad\n\n#PerfectInternet => http://www.weplay youwin.com/?refid=97f53 \n#PerfectInternet => http://www.mailaxy.com/?refid= 97f53\n\n#PerfectInternet http://www.megadealsweekend.com/?refid=97f53 \n#lo ttomadness http://www.lottomadness.net/?refid=97f53\n\n#cheap products http: //www.cheeaap.com/?refid=97f53 \n#want to be famous? http://www.wannabefamo. us/?refid=97f53 \n#free useful ebook http://eeboox.perfectinter.net/deals/?r efid=97f53\n\nreplace my username->97f53->with your username -> will be give n by PI\n\nShalam\nGod bless you with Success\n\nSimon Mangande\nwww.perfect pages-7777.blogspot.com/\nhttp://bit.ly/PerfectInterneT X-YAHOO-YID:simon.mangande ORGANIZER;CN=Simon Mangande:mailto:simon.mangande@yahoo.com DTSTART;TZID="Etc/GMT":20140203T100000 DTEND;TZID="Etc/GMT":20140203T110000 STATUS:CONFIRMED CLASS:PUBLIC X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS:BUSY TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-DISALLOW-COUNTER:TRUE DTSTAMP:20140203T025340Z SEQUENCE:0 BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:EMAIL TRIGGER;RELATED=START:-PT5M DESCRIPTION: SUMMARY: ATTENDEE:mailto:cntrl-yclrm-31922064@yahoogroups.com END:VALARM BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY TRIGGER;RELATED=START:-PT5M DESCRIPTION: END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR ------=_Part_12_562165067.1391396020912-- ------=_Part_14_149022042.1391396020950--
Idaman_Group   Calendar

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