Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

[Idaman_Group] Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon, 16/3/2014, 10:00

Reminder from:   Idaman_Group Yahoo! Group
Title:   Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon
Date:   Sunday 16 March 2014
Time:   10:00 - 11:00 (GMT+00:00)
Notes:   Dear Friend => I would like to inform you: HOW TO MAKE FREE $$$ from YOUR #PerfectInternet -> NEW Internet GIANT -> PI Galaxay = Facebook+Google+YouTube+Amazon

Now we are ready to EARN FREE MONEY from: PI - PA - PP = IF YOU KNOW HOW =>NEW INTERNET GIANT: A Revolutionary System WILL Change The Way YOU earn Money!

Yes, #PerfectInternet (PI = PA) is moving into a very special year of 2014, the year of PI's IPO (Initial Public Offer) that will make head waves all over the Internet

detil => http://bit.ly/PerfectInterneT

JOIN NOW FOR FREE => www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f53 =>very legit
or see video first=> www.video1.perfectinter.net/pitv/geeontv/PACommercial.mp4


l. After REGISTER FREE -> LOGIN ->Go to www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net

2. FREE DOWNLOAD APP www.perfectapp.perfectinter.net/downloadcenter.php
One hour online = one CASHFCTOR = 0.10 Cashpoint
& you will earn the same from your Downlines until 5 genertion deep - with level 1 to 5 is unlimited - WOW

Cashpoint of you will be frozen om 1 April 2014 and will be opened a new PROGRAM for mobile phones and your cashpoint in April will be paid in May 2014.

Yes probably will be start with $ 0.05 per cashpoint but with increasing corporate profits - could we earn $ 7.00 - $ 70.00 per cashpoint in 2014.& will be paid forever

Remember, according to the plan, PI = PA will GO Publick in Wall Street New York 1 April 2014 - It means PI profits will go up - and we certainly our earning will go up. PI is the reval of Amazon+FB+YAHOO+GOOGLE

in April 20l4 PA for computer will be end & your Cashpoint will be paid forever - as long as PA is there
in the beginning maybe will be $0.05 per CASHPOINT but if the profit of PA increase it will be increased Auttomticlly too

& will be open for mobil devices internet

3. in April 20l4 the PA will be close
and will be open for mobil devices internet:
0n April PA will be sent to all mobil devices include:
Cars, ETC.
even to Microwave who can access the internet/

4. click icon PP - at the right corner above or FREE Register => 4 More Benefits! http://perfectpages.biz/?refid=97f53

see video here => www.tv.perfectinter.net/winwinwin/

click RECOMEND a business
-> enter a name and address of hotel or restaorant at you local city

or other services/products such as: taxi, gaz station, etc.
->you will reward free dollar -> it is easy

5. Open PA -> click logo (icon) => HOW TO $$$ YOUR PERFECT APP?

6. click icon PI - at the left corner above ->explore = learn it to make money

7. To explore PI Galaxy (all sites) you just need one account (email address + password)

PI Galaxy such as: => all is free = because PI earn Money From Ad & promote them to earn free money

#PerfectInternet => http://www.myperfectinternet.com/?refid=97f53
#PerfectApp = Earn Free $$ just to use this app http://perfectapp.perfectinter.net/?refid=97f53

#idealsmarter- auction price cut off until 99% => http://www.idealsmarter.com/?refid=97f53
#shobbit - price cut off until 99% => http://www.shobbit.com/?refid=97f53

#eeboox.com free useful ebook => http://www.eeboox.com/?refid=97f53
#prizemania => http://www.prizemania.net/?refid=97f53

#wazzub - Social media, blog, club (group), forum = www.wazzub.com/?refid=97f53

#mailaxy - free email service = www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53
#digi4less - tablet etc - price cut off until 99% www.digi4less.com/?refid=97f53 =>because PI earn Money From Ad

#PerfectInternet => http://www.weplayyouwin.com/?refid=97f53
#PerfectInternet => http://www.mailaxy.com/?refid=97f53

#PerfectInternet http://www.megadealsweekend.com/?refid=97f53
#lottomadness http://www.lottomadness.net/?refid=97f53

#cheap products http://www.cheeaap.com/?refid=97f53
#want to be famous? http://www.wannabefamo.us/?refid=97f53
#free useful ebook http://eeboox.perfectinter.net/deals/?refid=97f53

replace my username->97f53->with your username -> will be given by PI

God bless you with Success

Simon Mangande
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